Asha Sadan – literally, House of Hope – is housed in old Umerkhadi jail in the heart of Mumbai. Asha Sadan houses children in the age group of 0-6 years, and young girls from 14-20 years.
Asha Sadan houses less fortunate children from different backgrounds – some are lost or abandoned, some come from homes with ailing or terminally ill parents, some have convict parents, some are children who have been rescued from begging, many have been abused, some are children of commercial sex workers – and all of them are in dire need for a caring home. At any time, over 100 children ranging from infants to children to the age of 6 know Asha Sadan to be their only home; many of them form a transitory population, with a few returning to their biological parents and others being adopted.
Police bring in minor girls rescued from brothels, or girls who they find in danger of imminent physical abuse.
Vasa Retail & Overseas Ltd visited them on 5th September 2018 – on Teachers day and was so glad to see the children happily spending time with each other in this place called home – which otherwise they would be on the streets, doing something that they don’t deserve.
In 1 room there was a computer class going on, in another, a place for them to read and study, in yet another a place for the toddlers to play and be and in yet another corner, a string of washed clothes hung up there to dry – which they change into every morning and give back for washing every evening – clean washed clothes which surprisingly is a luxury for them.
The center needed writing boards, which can be used as white boards as well, which VROL got custom made and provided them to the children – who sit there and study/eat a meal, after a full day of school – all of which is ensured by Asha Sadan.
It was indeed a pleasure and an honor for Vasa Retail & Overseas Ltd to be a miniscule part of the great work done by Asha Sadan.